Smart Chemical Handling

This training is designed for those who have the potential to be exposed to chemicals in the workplace. Participants will understand the physical and health hazards of chemicals used in the workplace  with suitable control measure and  protection using safe work practices, emergency procedures and personal protective equipment (PPE).

After completing this course, participants will be able to :
  1. Understand the requirements related to safe chemical handling to prevent workplace accidents.
  2. Know chemical hazards and their associated risks.
  3. Practice safe work practices and emergency procedures when handling chemicals.

Topics covered:
  • Introduction to the Chemical Management
  • Duties of Employers & Employees
  • Chemical Information (SDS, Labeling and Warning sign)
  • Control measure of chemical (hierarchy of control)
  • Safe Work Systems & Practice
  • Selection and importance wear PPE during works
  • Safe work practices of chemical Handling

Target Group
  • Supervisor
  • Employees who are involved in the handling of hazardous substances

Lecture, group discussion, study case and practical.

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